Thursday, February 24, 2011

Commandment 1 -> I am Woman!

For the last couple of days, I have been racking my brain on how to best define the meaning of the first P&C fashion commandment; I am woman! What is it that is perceived when spoken out loud, "I am Woman"? Do you picture the first suffragette society on Captain Cook's ship waving their arms up and down frantically exposing their unshaven pits? In other words, do you picture a group of feminist women within the first colony shouting "I am woman! Women have the right to vote!"? (NB: the comment with regards to the "unshaven pits" is a facetious remark and should in no way be taken seriously.)

The simple answer is, no. The first P&C fashion commandment is not to perceive us as extreme feminists, but rather that we are proud to be women and have created a label of clothing in which women can feel comfortable and confident in, whether it be shopping at the supermarket or drinking champagne at an extravagant restaurant.

We at P&C believe that women should not only feel free to exercise all their rights that they have in this amazing country, but also wear garments that make them feel comfortable in their own skin whilst doing so!

Signing out for now **with flailing arms exposing shaven pits**

I am Woman!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blame it on Eve!~

The following post is a brief introduction on who Preap & Coutts are and what we as a label live by when it comes to the ever changing fashion world.

Once upon a time, there was a woman named Eve who went against God's will and took a bite from a red juicy apple from the forbidden tree. Of course it had to be the woman in this historical fable, who acted as the devil's advocate and enticed Adam to take a bite from the forbidden fruit! That, my friends, is the first recollection of how clothing or fashion as we know it today, came about. We all know what happened once Adam and Eve had taken a bite from the apple, hence the reason I felt the need to not elaborate further on the story.

Each to their own when it comes to believing and understanding whether the creation of earth was through science/evolution or religion, but for this particular post, we'll just go with the Adam and Eve leaves more room for the imagination me thinks!

To make it quite clear, Preap and Coutts certainly do not support anyone who advocates the devil's work in any way. So that brings me to answer the question... What do P&C believe in and what does the label represent? I've decided to list what Preap & Coutts beliefs are instead of going on a long rant, which quite frankly I cannot be bothered typing at this point. This will be just an introduction on what this blog going forward will be about.

To follow on from the religious babble, the following are Preap & Coutts' 10 commandments we live by as a label:

  1. I am woman
  2. Thou shall not follow trend
  3. Thou shall follow sustainable fashion
  4. Thou shall rule quality over quantity
  5. Thou shall honour Thy country
  6. Thou shall put comfort first
  7. Thou shall ensure class and timelessness
  8. Thou shall be versatile
  9. The past is the present
  10. Exclusivity is the key
The above P&C commandments will form the basis for the next 10 posts, so keep logging in daily to learn more about what Preap & Coutts are really about.

Signing out for now,

P&C! xXx

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Circus is coming!

As a child, I remember getting extremely excited when driving past a makeshift circus being set up in a barren paddock next to the local shopping centre. My mind would fill with the most imaginative images of elephants balancing on one leg and clowns spitting fire from their mouths. As a child though, the circus always stopped at my imagination as my mother would always tell me we would go to the circus next week... and then when next week came, it was always the next week. Sadly, when the next week would arrive, that makeshift circus would either be under decontruction or the paddock would be again barren, with the only evidence of the circus ever existing, the worn out patch where the tent once stood.

No, I am not giving you all a sympathy cry-out that I, as a child, never had the chance to see the wonderful makeshift circus... but rather letting you know that as a child, this experience allowed my imagination to run wild and gave me free will to imagine anything I wanted to imagine about what happened under that circus tent! This experience has definitely contributed to the moulding of the person I have become today, unique and extremely imaginative!

Fast forward to today, and we have the wild imaginations of fashion designers incorporated with the circus itself! With P&C featuring in the upcoming CATWALK Circus extravaganza, everyone's imagination can flail freely whilst watching eccentric dance performances, jaw dropping acrobatics and the latest fashion from independent New Zealand and Australian designers.

With exactly 1 week till show/circus time, tickets can be purchased through ticketmaster:

So come one, come all to watch this circus extravaganza!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

P&C Autumn/Winter 2011 Lookbook

Just a few of the looks from the current A/W11 look book now. Look book available in store :)

Xx P&C

Winter Wonderland

So it seems that Melbourne never got to experience our normal hot and sticky summer! Yes, we did have some days where it reached our normal hot and bothery summer weather, but ultimately it was always just a tease to those who were looking forward to spending their weekends at the beach. Well, fellow Melbournians, what we must do now is build a bridge and say so long to our Summer that never was. Enter autumn and welcome winter with open arms.

On that note, with autumn/winter just around the corner P&C have released the new A/W11 range in store. Luxurious wool from New Zealand and divine silks from Italy are just a few fabrics to name that are used in this season's collection, which is sure to make you warm this winter. Check the following link for the latest A/W11 lookbook:

See you all in store,