Monday, February 21, 2011

The Circus is coming!

As a child, I remember getting extremely excited when driving past a makeshift circus being set up in a barren paddock next to the local shopping centre. My mind would fill with the most imaginative images of elephants balancing on one leg and clowns spitting fire from their mouths. As a child though, the circus always stopped at my imagination as my mother would always tell me we would go to the circus next week... and then when next week came, it was always the next week. Sadly, when the next week would arrive, that makeshift circus would either be under decontruction or the paddock would be again barren, with the only evidence of the circus ever existing, the worn out patch where the tent once stood.

No, I am not giving you all a sympathy cry-out that I, as a child, never had the chance to see the wonderful makeshift circus... but rather letting you know that as a child, this experience allowed my imagination to run wild and gave me free will to imagine anything I wanted to imagine about what happened under that circus tent! This experience has definitely contributed to the moulding of the person I have become today, unique and extremely imaginative!

Fast forward to today, and we have the wild imaginations of fashion designers incorporated with the circus itself! With P&C featuring in the upcoming CATWALK Circus extravaganza, everyone's imagination can flail freely whilst watching eccentric dance performances, jaw dropping acrobatics and the latest fashion from independent New Zealand and Australian designers.

With exactly 1 week till show/circus time, tickets can be purchased through ticketmaster:

So come one, come all to watch this circus extravaganza!

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